A spunky 35-year-old housewife, Yoon Gae Hwa, takes on the job of manager to prickly top star Sung Min Woo in order to earn enough money to regain custody of her child from her ex-husband. Romantic hijinks and hilarity ensues when they find themselves in an awkward living situation as Min Woo pays Gae Hwa to take care of his daughter, Ye Eun... hahhahah....ak sgt2 ske cte niey.....dak niey comey kn...
lau ak de anak cm dye niey mmg best la...bgga ak de anak cm dye niey,,,hahah,,,,berangan jey ak niey....hahah...bf pom xde....de ati nk de anak secomey niey......hahahah,,,geram nye nk picit pipi dye....hero cte niey pom encem sgt2......cair ak dibuatnye...da la caring...sweet....kelakar...mmg layak la dye jd hero....lau ah ak de bf cm dye niey...mmg brani sumpah la ak xcr len.... mmg memenuhi taste ak las....da lme da xlyn cte korea....tetbe jd nk mnt lek la plax...nk cr ar cd cte niey...mmg best la cte niey....heroin dye pom comey....mmg bgs la dorunk cr pelakon...tp lau ak jd heroin ag bgs sebenanye,,,,hahahah...
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